Saturday, 29 December 2012
What am I?
My first books strayed on to the internet via Smashwords in August, a blast through November started the next one, What You Ask For, available as it was written on the Smashwords Nanowrimo page. Having someone downloading and reading the draft as it appeared on Smashwords took a bit of getting used to, but I enjoyed the buzz. The earlier titles have all appeared on the various channels where Smashwords distributes to. (Not Amazon - technical issues).
Find the book was the challenge in the first weeks after publication, tracking down the page on the site where they arrived for sale at Diesel, Kobo, Sony, or wherever. Eye-balling the cover design on each site; it was the description at Diesel that caught my eye; Indie Author.
I smiled at that, to me it has a cool ring to it, but I guess there will be many reactions each one coloured by the perception of the individual.
Why do I think it is cool? It's the word independent, indie, (there's a nod to Indie of the Indiana Jones stories). It has the edge of a maverick, a loner, the character who rides into the dusty town and sorts out the mess and then rides out again, answerable to no-one. That's the key!
Answerable to no-one. It's the crazy who sticks their neck out and does something with no safety net and nobody to blame if everything goes pear shaped; I did It, it was me! An acceptance of personal responsibility.
At the end of the day, there is a book, checked and proof read, formatted with a cover design and out there for you the reader.
The books are for you, Reader, and at this time of year I can echo the words of Dickens in his preface to A Christmas Carol; that they shall not put you out of humour with yourself, each other, or with me. Should they be enjoyed at this holiday or later in the year when the sun reaches into bones chilled by winter, as the days lengthen, and warm evenings and cool drinks beckon us out of doors. Enjoy them and share them with your friends.
Friday, 28 December 2012
Smashwords: Apple iBookstore Sales Surge Over Christmas Holiday
re posted from Smashwords.blog.
As a Smashwords author with books on Apple iTunes I found this particularly interesting. There is a lot of attention given to Amazon and Kindle ebook sales but Apple moves quietly; Smashwords distribute to Apple and the iBookstore is now available in 50 countries.
Apple people can find my books here and here on iTunes. Apple has an established working relationship with Smashwords.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Want a good read?
Tinytown by Darby Gallagher.
Brilliantly funny look at greed, power and corruption in high places; this is England 2050. Dark and witty, blending the macabre, chicanery, and deception sprinkled with some side splitting descriptions and one liners. Overcrowding has brought in size insurance and failure to meet the payments gets you shrunk and sent to Tinytown. A diminutive hero, a love interest, an ex-wife in pursuit of money and her brother, high up in Sizewise, the company behind Tinytown and the Human Shrinking programme; dodgy characters, knuckle dragging henchmen and sharp dealing. Climaxing with a chase through London on the day of the Royal Wedding, and a celebrity children's TV star in costume dragged from a car smothered with sticky toffee and drugs, live on global TV.
The best read I've had in a long time, and I'm keeping an eye out for Darby Gallagher's next novel.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Tools of the Trade
There is no turning back, always forward, without reverse. Changing direction is optional, and when the story starts to bog down it becomes almost mandatory.
Doodle mentally and see where the story takes you, that's what I'm about to do, no choice really. the latest story is a bit stuck in the woods somewhere, and maybe I can't see the wood for the trees, and that brings us back to basic equipment, a ballpoint pen and a pencil, graphite wrapped in cedar wood. I have my favourite, Staedler, the yellow and black ones. I like them nice and sharp too, leaving a nice crisp line on the paper. Beautiful.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Update and links
Diesel eBookstore for Iceline here and Control: Escape here;
Barnes and Noble for Iceline here and Control: Escape here
Kobobooks for Iceline here and Control: Escape here
Sony readerstore for Iceline here and Control: Escape here.
Apple iTunes for Iceline here and Control: Escape here
Formatted for Kindle at Smashwords, and in other formats for Iceline here and Control: Escape here.
Check out www.cheekyseagull.co.uk for special offers and details of Smashwords discount coupons, and follow the links for free ebooks for Christmas and the New Year.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Now appearing at...
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Black Friday Offers - go for Christmas
Go to Iceline and enter the code SZ97D or Control: Escape and enter the code XQ53N to get your books for free, enjoy them yourself or give them with the Kindle/Kobo /Nook/ whatever e reader you have stashed under the Christmas tree. Discount valid at Smashwords - your eBook your way, Independent authors and publishers.- until the 6th January 2013.
While your there, check out Nanowrimo novel What you Ask For - a free downloadable work in progress.
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Twenty One today
Story going well, the words keep tumbling out and the pages fill up. There's more in there and the running total is above par, so the fifty thousand should be reached within the thirty day limit. The download count has slowed, more books are piling on to the Smashwords page and the choice is wide. My writing buddy Cloud Angel scribbling away at Not Without My Cat (when fish is not enough) is slightly ahead of my total on the word count, check out this cat treat of a science fiction story at Not Without My Cat and my Nanowrimo novel What Your Ask For. New version uploaded a couple of days ago, further updates to come soon.
The other Grange novels are available at Smashwords find them at my author page here, a revised version of Iceline has just been processed and passed for the premium catalogue, now at the new price of $3.99. Give them a whirl, The Grange, Jardine, Josie and Steel are in all there. Look out for offers close to Christmas, an ebook to unwind with while you digest the dinner.
See how the Nanowrimo progress is going www.cheekyseagull.co.uk/nanowrimo_2012. watch the widgets and cheer on the Yorkshire team, the regional word count is widgeted.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Plodding on, onwards and upwards
32000 plus words punched out by tonight, running a couple of days ahead of the Target word count. Story coming along ok but waiting for that kick of inspiration to come again. Still available as work in progress free download from smashwords. Grab a copy and enjoy.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Counting up and counting down
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Heading Upwards
Saturday, 10 November 2012
More Nanowrimo
Smashwords has a dedicated Nanowrimo page where works in progress can be published and downloaded by readers. What You Ask For has been at the top of the most downloaded list for the last four days, occupying first place until this morning (local time). Currently at second place. Download it for free and have a good read. The idea that out there on t'internet someone is reading my novel as I write it is exciting. It's giving me a buzz at the writing end, making the pounding of the keys more intense and exploring the direction of the novel much more interesting.
Not quite sure how to take the news that the downloads for the free unfinished work are outstripping the (priced) downloads for the two completed novels. Check out the links in this posting for Smashwords and Nanowrimo, and get yourself a great, hot of the type face with the ink still wet brand new read. So new it isn't finished yet. Have a good read
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Uploads and Downloads
The girls are at it again. Thanks to all of you who have already downloaded, enjoy the new version.
Now heading back to the type face,
Have fun, and to all you Nano- writers out there. Go for it guys, and gals. Keep the words coming out.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Top of the page
Meanwhile back at the Caffeine dispenser,
the key board bashing goes on.
One for science fiction fans, try Not Without My Cat by A M Russell (also Nanowrimo 2012 work in progress) and available free
Sam is a detective, who along with his smart but troublesome cat Camille, uncovers an impossible crime. With the scene of the unusual event too close to home for a man already harassed with a Mad Ex and difficult new clients, this proves to be the challenge that he needs to overcome his deepest fears, find out what electric tin openers are really used for; and save a Lady from mortal peril.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
It's started
Three hours (local Yorkshire time) into Nanowrimo-time and the word count is climbing... it's a good start.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Sticking your neck out
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Working title - What You Ask For
A Chinese friend helped me realise that the fun could be had when you actually do get it. Sometimes getting what you ask for is the last thing you really want!
The story goes something like...
Tweaking and Ticking
The clock continues to tick and the ideas continues to slide out of the side door In one ear out of the other sort of thing) moments before I can jot them down, only solution, new batteries in the Olympus Pearlcorder - and a fresh micro-tape cassettes. Don't you just love retro stuff sometimes.
Thanks to the glorious searching-ness of t'internet I found a tape eraser - deliciously low tech. Two magnets in a box with a slot for the tape to pass through. It's the sort of thing you just want to play with while the brain cogitates and the coffee stimulates with your feet up on the corner of the desk and the netbook/laptop/keyboard (highlight as applicable) perched on your knee. The tweaking is going down at Cheekyseagull and the news from smashwords that the apple iTunes store has just reached another eighteen countries, now available on 50 countries - most of the new ones are in the Southern cone of America.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
More Nano thoughts
Nice one.
Nano and the ticking clock

Do I feel confident, I know the challenge is achievable, strip it down and you're looking at a couple or three hours of keyboard pounding a day, every day, or the equivalent to average it out. So, yes, I feel OK, I have a picture in my head of an opening, and something of the story drawing to a close, and somewhere in the long dark evenings of November between the ghosties and ghoulies of Halloween and the frosty sparkle of Christmas lights in December the forty odd thousand words in between will tumble on to the page. That's the idea anyway, and the proof of any pre-Christmas or Christmas pudding is in the eating, and now the word is out in blogland. Still have a couple of days to link the whole shebang together and do the word count widgety thingy,
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Stay in touch
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Last two days
The current discount codes for Iceline and Control: Escape end tomorrow at midnight. Call at cheekyseagull.co.uk and follow the links to smashwords.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Last few days
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Coming through
Saturday, 15 September 2012
What's in a name?
Pop across to www.cheekyseagull.co.uk
Six degrees
Thinking about the idea that anyone is only six people away from someone famous, I know someone who knows someone who knows etc., and applied it to the urban myth. Spent time recently reading a study of urban mythology with the great title of The Choking Doberman. In spite of the title actually a fairly serious discussion about the nature of urban myths and the way they cross boundaries between communities, and how each in turn adopts the stories as their own, but the common factor is always one degree of separation. I've heard some good ones, but never first hand, always from the mate of a bloke down the pub. The ubiquitous bloke down the pub is related to or may even be the most unfortunate human who ever lived judging by the catalogue of misadventure and disaster encountered. He may also be the greatest adventurer alive. He might also be like Keith Waterhouse's character from the book "Billy Liar" and be the most incredible fantasist. We'll never know, until someone actually meets him and buys him a drink...
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
One more step with Iceline and Control Escape
Discount codes are still available at www.cheekyseagull.co.uk
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Adventure Playground
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Get the party started
Enter BD64L for Iceline https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/216309
FN22A for Control Escape https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/216761
A good read for less, VFM.
Enjoy them both
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Through the mill
Keep watching and waiting...
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Funny business, writing
Like I said, you don't have to be mad, but it is so much fun when the words are pouring out.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Update 2 premium catalogue
Update to publishing
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Iceline - the book you've been waiting for
Monday, 6 August 2012
God's Own Country
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Worth a grand or two
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Bottle Stacks
The bottle stacks are by the compressor shed, every diver knows about them and which one is which, the empty and the full. Occasionally one does get missed and shoved in the wrong pile, so when you turn up the next morning fuelled by coffee and bacon sandwiches there is a bit of standing around waiting while the cylinder is filled. Steel finds an empty in the full stack and when he tries to tell the guy who challenged him he's abducted, beaten and eventually dumped in the mountains for the weather to finish him off, and that's where the story begins.
Monday, 2 July 2012
Will blog soon and give you a shout when launch is due.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Blue Sky thinking
Blue Sky thinking - I've never liked that phrase, leaves me feeling that there's nothing there, not a scrap of anything for the imagination to work on; a mental vacuum. The lights are on but there's nobody at home. Give me clouds to stare at and I will have adventures, I'll walk great towering halls fit for ancient Gods and landscapes to inspire the greatest traveller's heart. Worlds explored with the imagination and recorded on maps of memory tucked inside my head. To watch great towering thunderheads, dark and ominous drift across the sky and have them split apart by shafts of brilliance. The old mapmakers used to scribe "Here be Monsters" on the unknown parts but I'll write "Here Be Angels" in the brilliant shafts punching through the storm clouds and watch the footprint of their light dance across the earth. Clouds have moods and emotions, imagination and inspiration are woven into the whisps of vapour that build them. Nip across to www.cloudappreciationsociety.org and have a look.A blue sky is like an empty piece of paper, until it has the first whisp of a cumulus forming above rising warm air there's nothing to look at, I find writing is like that, I can stare at the blank sheet and get nowhere, but the moment I mark it, something starts to build, it may be nothing much at first , but I keep going and let it grow. One of my favourite questions? What if..?
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Just do it, take a journey through your imagination, pack your supplies, boot up your desktop or click on your net book, initiate your Ipad. Look inside you for the pen wielding warrior and unleash your creativity. Take the leap, jump from the one day I'm going to and let today be the day.
Bon Voyage!
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Situation update.
Found attached to the scaffolding of the SNAFU pub on High Street in Rotherham. An oddly reassuring sign. It went up while the building was been renovated. Renovation now completed so the sign has gone.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
New stuff on the way
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Bo Bruce on The Voice tonight with Love the way you lie. Love the way you sing. Ethereal, elfin vocal quality, amazing. Thrilled by the cover of Kate Bush song Running up that hill last time. Good luck Lady.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Dropped off the phone
One small step
Day one ....post one. A post it without sticky on the back.